9/15/24 Daylong Workshop with Swami Gurusharanananda: Ma’s Path to Oneness


During this daylong workshop at the Ashram, Swamiji will share Ma’s teachings on attaining Oneness by working with mantra, mudras and meditations, interspersed with chanting and stories of Ma. Join us for this joyful day of spiritual nourishment! 10 am - 4 pm (including lunch), suggested donation of $30-$50.

All proceeds go to Ma Sharanam Ashram in India.

Register by emailing shaktimata108@gmail.com


9/14/24 7-9pm Ma Satsang with Swami Gurusharanananda at the Ashram


Saturday, Sept. 21, 7-9pm, Lincoln Kirtan Fundraiser for Ma Sharanam with Swami Gurusharanananda