Our Vision

Our vision for the Shri Anandamayi Ma Ashram and Temple is that we spend the rest of 2024 raising the funds to enable us to buy a property in Western Massachusetts that will have the following: sufficient acreage to offer privacy and adequate parking, a main house that has a large kitchen and bedrooms to accommodate 6-8 permanent residents who will manage the ashram and lead daily, weekly and monthly services and activities, outbuildings that can serve as housing for visitors, a barn that can be renovated into Ma’s Temple or a promising site on the property for building such a structure. We envision having rooms for visiting teachers in Ma’s lineage who will offer courses or weekend retreats and lead rituals at celebrations of Hindu holidays. We envision a property with great natural beauty and quiet that inspires our devotional and contemplative practices. We envision it having gardens and orchards from which some of our food will come.